
In August 2011, two organizing plenaries were held at the 6th International Conference of Critical Geography in Frankfurt, Germany. The meetings were open to all participants in the Conference. The first organizing plenary was held on 17 August 2011. On behalf of the current Steering Committee of the ICGG, Lawrence Berg and Joe Painter presented a summary of the history of the ICGG and the International Conferences of Critical Geography. This was followed by an open discussion about the future of the ICGG. The meeting agreed that Lawrence and Joe should use the points raised in the discussion to produce proposals for consideration by the second organising plenary on Friday 19 August 2011. The second organizing plenary discussed the proposals. Several amendments were suggested. The amended proposals were approved by the meeting.




The aim of the International Critical Geography Group (ICGG) is to promote the development of critical geography internationally, in accordance with the Statement of Purpose: Smith, N. and Desbiens, C. (1999) “The International Critical Geography Group: Forbidden Optimism?” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 18, 379-382.


Membership of the ICGG is open to anyone who supports the Statement of Purpose. Membership is free of charge and is obtained by subscribing to the ICGG electronic mailing list (listserv). To subscribe to the electronic mailing list go to


The ICGG will:

  1. Hold International Conferences of Critical Geography (ICCGs). The first six conferences were held in Vancouver, Canada (1997); Taegu, South Korea (2000); Békéscsaba, Hungary (2002); Mexico City, Mexico (2005); Mumbai, India (2007); Frankfurt, Germany (2011). As far as possible venues will be chosen to enable participation from different parts of the world.
  2. Promote networking and debate between its members, conference participants, activists and campaigning organisations by organising conferences and maintaining a website ( and mailing list (
  3. Undertake other activities consistent with the Statement of Purpose as agreed by the Committee and/or participants at the conferences.


  1. The existing Steering Committee of the ICGG will be abolished and replaced with a new Committee.
  2. Membership of the new Committee will be for a limited term of two conferences, with the possibility of one renewal (i.e. four conferences maximum).
  3. Half the membership of the Committee will be replaced at each conference.
  4. Membership of the Committee is by nomination or self-nomination. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacant places, the existing Committee will organise an election. Committee members are expected to contribute to the work of the Committee by offering time, knowledge, contacts, expertise, space or other resources.
  5. The Committee will have at least 12 and not more than 20 members. The Committee should have the broadest possible geographical representation. The Committee can invite (co-opt) additional members to ensure regional representation and social diversity. At least one member of the local organising committee of the forthcoming ICCGs will join the Committee.
  6. The functions of the Committee are: to support the organisation of the International Conferences of Critical Geography (ICCGs); to maintain the website and electronic mailing list; to undertake other activities in support of the development of critical geography internationally as it sees fit.
  7. Between 6 and 10 members of the current Steering Committee should join the new Committee to promote continuity. The composition of the new Committee should as far as possible be geographically and socially diverse.
  8. The new Committee will hold its first meeting on Saturday 20 August 2011 at 14:00.
  9. The new Committee will discuss the date and venue of the next ICCG.
  10. The Committee will elect a Speaker to act as a contact for members (or potential members). [Note: the Committee decided not to elect a Speaker, but to set up an ICGG email account to provide a contact point.]


  1. Conferences will be organized by a Local Organizing Committee with the advice and assistance of the ICGG Committee and Theme Coordinators.
  2. The venue for the next conference will be discussed (and if possible selected) at the previous conference.
  3. Conference organizers will endeavour to ensure that linguistic openness is a part of conferences.